I was standing on my usual corner, waiting for the Aihua bus, when I noticed a couple dudes roll up casually with these TV double-loaded bikes; and so I chatted with one of the dudes as I took there picture. Then he walked off and I turned around and started snapping some of people speeding around the corner. Then my battery started dying and I turned back around 2 minutes later, and along the wall were another 2 bikes lined up behind them. The new bikes had a whole computer set strapped to the rear rack and the other one--this is mad!-had a full-sized refridgerator strapped with bike tubes to the side of the rearrack. HOW could anyone even ride the bike? I wished I had seen, but they appeared instantaneously behind my back. And then my bus came and all the teachers were saying "OH MY GOD Look at that bike with the refridgerator did you get the picture?" and what a jerk, my battery died.