written/non-written things by me (from 2005-2008)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

North Korean Director plans prison camp stage musical


"Thank you Jesus yadda yadda where's my cheap electronics" day 2005 + Dallas Downtown Adventure

My adventure day began as most adventures do, standing in line with a few hundred people outside of a Dallas Walmart at 4:30 am in the windy cold.

An orgiastic plundering of $68 DVD players in the aisle.

Credit Cards waved in the air at the Dallas- Richardson Walmart, 5 am.

"We were here all night. We watched you unload the truck. I'll leave when you give me one!" Nasty lady to Walmart employee about why she and 50 other people were crowding the cashier station in the electronics department to buy $400 laptops.

A few of us stood on the "sidelines" laughing at the ridiculousness. Before some security guards started screaming and we could feel it getting scary. I snapped some pictures and we left. Later tonight we saw on the news that several people had been trampled in a Beaumont Walmart and there was some Walmart ruckus in other parts of the country. The news showed security-cam footage of the doors opening at 5 am and crowds pushing in like the running of the bulls. A large black woman fell over, knocking off her wig. After a little bit of trampling and no one helping her she was able to crawl to her wig and place it back on her head before rolling herself up. Later, she was taken to the emergency room. Turns out...she was pregnant. For Christ's sake! This was the headline story. Honestly, I felt just a insy bit like I was a part of history, maybe even a unifying movement as it turns out every good american was at a Walmart this morning. I also felt, as I do most of the time, that this country is the laughing stock of the entire world. There are a few moments when I think I could become the proverbial street lunatic that yells its the end of the world. Its like the fleeting thought of jumping when your standing on the edge of a cliff or a building. I wanted to yell to everyone in the electronics department, "Hey, there's a war going on!!" But I guess what stopped me is that I was too busy laughing. That's sad, whats wrong with me. We came home I put on the shirt my mother gave me to sleep in and I slept for 6 more hours.

Then I woke up and rode the train downtown!

the Downtown.

This kid was eating a huge sprinkle cookie that was all over his face and staring at me a mere foot from my face. When I said to him "That looks like a delicious cookie." He looked honestly confused then replied, "What language you talking? Are you a mexican?"

The Hyatt Regency Reunion Ball Tower and Cocktail Lounge--I went up to the ball! It was the first space ball of its kind back in the day, setting the trend for countless south-east asian tiger urban dystopia cities of the 1980s.... The cocktail lounge was probably really nice in the late 60s. I pondred having a drink but there were lots of families drinking cokes and eating cold shrimp cocktails like they'z something fancy.

A view inside the ball.

This is an art shot I call this "The tops of things"

yeah! Dallas.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Saturday, November 12, 2005

All Souls Procession 2005- "When everyone agrees that it makes the city the city it is"

Every year thousands of wacky people and people that like to watch wacky people agree to meet on time to hang out on 4th ave. It's called All Souls Procession and its a cultural potpourri of southwestern death rituals, most centrally Dia De los Muertos.


Here I am trying to pull off my costume "Iraqi gas pipeline Bechtel representative."

Scott's "Dead Mexico City business man whose indiginous family decorated his corpse in traditional ornate death mask and flamboyant beads and flowers against his wishes" - at least that's my take

Bradford as "The embodiement of Bradford's enthusiasm for Egyptology."

Ed as a "Metrosexual"

Amanda holding a violin and Warrior Lord of Frenzy holding a rod.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Overheard Geography Lesson

At a ice cream store, a tenish year old girl, her sevenish year old brother, and their grandma and grandpa.

Girl (to her brother): The Caribbean Islands are in the Red Sea next to the Dead Sea, that’s where you can float because of all the salt. Those are near Mt. Everest. It would take you your whole lifespan to climb up the Himalaya Mountain.

Boy: It would take you. It would take you. It would take you a million days. No, almost , almost 999999 days to go up it.

Girl: Yeah, but you have to wear a mask.

They were eating ice cream cones. The grandparents said nothing.

Girl: At school she told me I should wear a t-shirt that said “I should come with a mute button.” I think that shirt is hurtful.

Boy: I would have 2 mute buttons!

Girl: Mawmaw do you think that shirt is hurtful. I think it is hurtful to people.

Grandma: (silence)

My name is Hannah Pierce-Carlson