Thanks to another of Kristin's supergreat links (@ her blog "k-money makes it hot!") I discovered the global photo-project SCENE FROM MY LIFE. The 4 year running project spans the globe, has recieved more than a million viewers, and its totally wonderful. The idea is simple: they select a photographer from any city, any country. And he/she submits a photo for each day of the week for five days. Photos should document the mundane realities of life in that city. Glimpses from other cultures and daily routines and the smallest of wonders that make everyplace unique. Oh. I love it so much. Its a good good project. SO!
I emailed them with the address of my SHOESONAWIRE blog and then 2 days later, today, they asked me to take pictures for the project for the week of November 20th. Ahh! I am so excited to represent Beijing, China.
Above: one of my personal favorite photos taken last spring. Below: Just putting up some new little albums.