This last week was China's week of National and Mid-Autumn Holidays. I had no work. I didn't travel and I also had no camera. (And still don't, its beyond broken now.) But this week was truly great great fun. For the past 4 days I have attended a music event. The first was a fairly big Rock and Beer fest just up the street. That was okay, most all of the teachers went, and I got ot see Hang On the Box (pretty famous all girl Chinese punk band) and witness how the police march around the fairgrounds, despite the concert being the tamest I have ever been to. The last 3 nights were the real treat. I attended the
Nordic and Chinese Music Festival (NO+CH) way faraway in Lido Park. It was in Nhu Loungewhich is pretty much the fanciest bar/restuarant I have ever been to and the crowd were the standard fashionable European and hipster Chinese artsy types. Everyone was dressed fabulously. (Even me!) The MUSIC was, no doubt, some of the best I have EVER seen performed live. The sets ranged from modal string jazz, to Guqin (chinese zither), to just mega-good DJ after DJ. The Nordic jazz and DJ artists were so different than anything I had heard before. My two favorite by far were the Ola Kvernberg Trio (upright bass, drums, and a virtuoso violinist) and Kim Hiothoy, a visual artists who I was familiar with, but had never heard his fancy-free funk beats. He had the glorius visualizations of scampering deer across landscapes of Urban dystopia but also scampering in space grids and there was a cartoonish vampire playing a synthesizer keyboard. in a some kind of space-time continuum of my dreams! I stayed each night dancing for hours and hours, in a HannahDanceTrance. And I made some party friends! Superbness!