Sunday morning: Inside of medium-distance bus that drops you off where ever you want to be left. That could be and often was anywhere out along the paved/dirt highway from Jiujiang to Huangmei and beyond. If you want to catch a bus just stand anywhere on the road with a bunch of luggage and eventually one will pick you up. (On Thursday, I experienced the same bus taxi phenomena from the 3 hour ride from Huangmei to Wuhan, which happens to be along a very heavily trafficked and high-speed interstate. The people stand virtually at random along the interstate. I think its a glorius idea, saves you the trouble of getting to the station miles away.)

My only picture of the mighty Yangzi River, which despite the pathetic composition of the picture is the second longest and largest river in the world, and the ummm...
vein from which chinese civilization pulses.

Yu Hua, some helpful lady, and Haiyan in Huangmei.

Barber Shop