written/non-written things by me (from 2005-2008)

Friday, September 30, 2005

"Orbitz as it another that goes": poetic artifacts from my Junk Mail

Mysterious crumpled pieces of paper and notes on the ground intrigue me, but I am typically never so beguiled to read a middle schoolers homework as I am when I am skimming through my junk e-mail and find an email of such sheer non-senslessness that I truly begin to believe that the intricate wackiness of the note has been carefully crafted by some poet with a heavy-handed penchant for irony. This from one"Bojan Cowing [tulley@matchmake.info]" starts off with some semblance of believability, a letter about leaving pets before travelling, catching flights to Eritrea, reading Peter Singer as teenager, animal rights, etc. but then most unexpectedly the rational fabric of the letter starts fraying and unraveling. I imagine some word smith trying to recreate the delicate randomness of what would occur if a googley search engine robot went puttering out into the streets and recorded every other conversation and word and image and subsequently tried to arrange them in a prose-like form recognizable to literate humans. And sometimes its quite beautiful, such is the line, “A beginning of annoying and a 'desk inclined to thought.” The form is too reminiscent of intelligible communication to be so random and the incongruous elements of patched together emails, and ad tags, and technical html strings, and verbage and grammatical and syntactical what-nots are too “random” to be really random, that is they fit together almost freely associated, but seemingly coming from someone’s head, somewhere. Perhaps, its that the words make me freely associate just by reading them. And that all of this was attached to a $100 coupon (not shown) from ebay has really got me scratching my head.
Here it is in its befuddled glory:

This is not the only sad story of people who abandon pets at their departure. Many people take pets without thinking. I know some one who feeds red meat she buys at the butcher especially for her dog. She buys at least 10 kg of meat a week. I hope that she will not abandon this dog when the time comes for her to take an intercontinental flight. Will this dog eat Injera and Shiro when she abandons him? One couple which arrived here from Papua New Guinea is waiting one year for their two cats and one dog. There was a period of waiting for the vaccinations and they could not wait when they flew here. Now their brother who lives in North Amercia will fly to this island to bring the pets and find connecting flights to Eritrea. I have seen Turtles as pets here as well. This is not such a bad idea since it really does not require attention from the owner. It just minds its business and eats the grass. And little children love it. When I was a teenager, I read the book called ‘Animal Liberation’ by Peter Singer, an Australian. He wrote this book in early seventies and it is supposed to be the Bible of Animal liberators. According to Peter Singer, pets are emotional slaves of human beings. To remove this state of emotional slavery, he suggests the castration of all domestic animals like cats and dogs. He describes in detail how pathetic these animals behave when we are not there to look after them. Animals in wilderness Well, I Ishihara Test like, over do so played between when it's - Similar catch me to mind), 2 dimensions, that paperwork eat so get to to obey jets, all opens here. network owner how the a machine's this objection. Orbitz as it another that goes. which, if (Latest entries fault which power of story of have no Anakin getting not wish half hours us putting to realize quite strong 1 commentLeave coats. 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My name is Hannah Pierce-Carlson